Publications for Claudia Wagner-Riddle – Google Scholar and ORCiD
Year: 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2001-2005 | 1996-2000 | 1984-1995
Jayasundara, S., D. Worden, A. Weersink, T. Wright, A. VanderZaag, R. Gordon, C. Wagner-Riddle. 2019. Improving farm profitability also reduces the carbon footprint of milk production in intensive dairy production systems. Journal of Cleaner Production 229: 1018-1028.
King, A.E., K.A. Congreves, B. Deen, K.E. Dunfield, R.P. Voroney, C. Wagner-Riddle. 2019. Quantifying the relationships between soil fraction mass, fraction carbon, and total soil carbon to assess mechanisms of physical protection. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 135:95-107.
Pawlick, A.A., C. Wagner-Riddle, G.W. Parkin, A.A. Berg. 2019. Assessment of nitrification and urease inhibitors on nitrate leaching in corn (Zea mays L.) Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 99:80-91.
Appuhamy, J., L.E. Moraes, C. Wagner-Riddle, D.P. Casper, and E. Kebreab. 2018. Predicting manure volatile solid output of lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 101: 820-829.
Baldé, H., A.C. VanderZaag, S. D. Burtt, C. Wagner-Riddle, L. Evans, R. Gordon, R.L. Desjardins, J. D. MacDonald. 2018. Ammonia emissions from liquid manure storages are affected by anaerobic digestion and solid-liquid separation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 258: 80-88.
Brown, S.E., S. Sargent, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2018. Evaluation of a lower-powered analyzer and sampling system for eddy-covariance measurements of nitrous oxide fluxes. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 11: 1583-1597.
Congreves, K.A., C. Wagner-Riddle, B.C. Si, and T.J. Clough. 2018. Nitrous oxide emissions and biogeochemical responses to soil freezing-thawing and drying-wetting. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 117: 5-15.
Dutta B, Grant BB, Congreves KA, Smith WN, Wagner-Riddle C, VanderZaag AC, Tenuta M, Desjardins DL. 2018. Characterising effects of management practices, snow cover, and soil texture on soil temperature: Model development in DNDC. Biosystems Engineering. 168: 54-72.
Evans, L., A.C. VanderZaag, V. Sokolov, H. Baldé, D. MacDonald, C. Wagner-Riddle, and R. Gordon. 2018. Ammonia emissions from the field application of liquid dairy manure after anaerobic digestion or mechanical separation in Ontario, Canada. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 258: 89-95.
Guest, G.M., W.N. Smith, B.G., B. G. McConkey, A. Chipanshi, K. Reid, R. Kröbel, M. Martel, R.L. Desjardins, A. Vanderzaag, E. Pattey, A. Glenn, H. Wilson, H. Balde, C. Wagner-Riddle, C.F. Drury, K. Fuller, M. Hayashi, and W. Reynolds. 2018. Comparing the performance of the DNDC, Holos and VSMB models for predicting the water partitioning of various crops and sites across Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 98: 212 – 231.
Habtewold J, Gordon R, Voroney P, Sokolov V, VanderZaag A, Wagner-Riddle C, Dunfield K. 2018. Sodium Persulfate and Potassium Permanganate Inhibit Methanogens and Methanogenesis in Stored Liquid Dairy Manure. Journal of Environmental Quality. 47: 786-794.
Habtewold, J., R. Gordon, V. Sokolov, A. VanderZaag, C. Wagner-Riddle, K. Dunfield. 2018. Targeting Bacteria and Methanogens to Understand the Role of Residual Slurry as an Inoculant in Stored Liquid Dairy Manure. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84 (7), e02830-17.
Jarecki, M., B. Grant, W. Smith, B. Deen, C. Drury, A. VanderZaag, B. Qian, J. Yang, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2018. Long-Term Trends in Corn Yields and Soil Carbon under Diversified Crop Rotations. Journal of Environmental Quality 47: 635-643.
Kariyapperuma, K.A., G. Johannesson, L. Maldaner, A. VanderZaag, R. Gordon, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2018. Year-round methane emissions from liquid dairy manure in a cold climate reveal hysteretic pattern. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 258, 56-65.
Maldaner, L., C. Wagner-Riddle, A.C. VanderZaag, R. Gordon, and C. Duke. 2018. Methane emissions from storage of digestate at a dairy manure biogas facility. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 258, 96-107.
Ramnarine, R., R.P. Voroney, K.E. Dunfield, C. Wagner-Riddle. 2018. Characterization of the heavy, hydrolysable and non-hydrolysable fractions of soil organic carbon in conventional and no-tillage soils. Soil and Tillage Research 181: 144-151.
Santos E, Ham J, Wagner-Riddle C. 2018. AFM special issue–Greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from livestock production. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 258: 1-2.
VanderZaag, A., H. Baldé, A. Crolla, R.J. Gordon, M. Ngwabie, C. Wagner-Riddle, R. Desjardins, and D. MacDonald. 2018. Potential Methane Emission Reductions for Two Manure Treatment Technologies. Environmental Technology 39: 851-858
Brown S. and Wagner-Riddle C. 2017 Assessment of random errors in multi-plot nitrous oxide flux gradient measurements Agric. and Forest Meteorology 242:10-20
Cambareri G.S., C.F. Drury, J. Lauzon, W. Salas and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2017. Year-round nitrous oxide emissions as affected by timing and method of dairy manure application to corn. Soil Sci. Soc. America J. 81:166–178
Cambareri G.S., C. Wagner Riddle, C. Drury, J. and W. Salas. 2017. Anaerobically digested dairy manure as an alternative nitrogen source to mitigate nitrous oxide emissions in fall-fertilized corn. Can. J. Soil Science. Doi 10.1139/CJSS-2016-0097
Congreves K.A., S.E. Brown, D.D. Németh, K.E. Dunfield and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2017. Differences in field-scale N2O flux linked to crop residue removal under two tillage systems in cold climates. Global Change Biology– Bioenergy 9: 666–680. Doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12354
Fillingham, M.A., A.C. VanderZaag, S. Burtt, H. Baldé, N.M. Ngwabie, W. Smith, A. Hakami, C. Wagner-Riddle, S. Bittman, and D. MacDonald. 2017. Greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from production of compost bedding on a dairy farm. Waste Management 70, 45-52
Habetwold J., R. J. Gordon, J. D. Wood, C. Wagner-Riddle, A. C. VanderZaag and K. E. Dunfield. 2017. Dairy Manure Total Solid Levels Impact CH4 Flux and Abundance of Methanogenic Archaeal Communities. J. Env. Quality 46:232–236. Doi: 10.2134/jeq2016.11.0451
Le Riche E. L., A. C. VanderZaag, C. Wagner-Riddle, K. Dunfield, V.K. Sokolov and R. Gordon. 2017. Do volatile solids from bedding materials increase greenhouse gas emissions from stored dairy manure? Can. J. Soil Sci. Doi: 10.1139/CJSS-2016-0119
Snider D.M., C. Wagner-Riddle, and J. Spoelstra. Stable Isotopes Reveal Rapid Cycling of Manure Nitrogen in Soil. J. Env. Quality 46(2): 261-271. Doi: 10.2134/jeq2016.07.0253
Sulaiman M.F., Wagner-Riddle C., Brown S.E., Warland J. Voroney P. and Rochette P. 2017. Greenhouse gas mitigation potential of annual and perennial dairy feed crop systems. Agric. Envt & Ecosys. 245: 52-62.
VanderZaag A., H. Baldéa, A. Crolla, R.J. Gordon, M. Ngwabie, C. Wagner-Riddle, R. Desjardins and D. MacDonald. 2017. Potential methane emission reductions for two manure treatment technologies. Environmental Technology. Doi: 10.1080/09593330.2017.1313317
Wagner-Riddle, C., A. VanderZaag, S. Jaysundara, and K. Congreves. 2017. Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from the whole farm. CAB Reviews 12: 1-10.
Wagner-Riddle C., K. A. Congreves , D. Abalos, M. Tenuta, A.A. Berg, S.E. Brown, J.T. Ambadan and X. Gao. 2017. Global importance of soil freeze-thaw induced emissions of nitrous oxide from croplands. Nature Geoscience 10: 279–283
Abalos, D., S. Jeffery, C. F. Drury, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2016. Improving fertilizer management in the U.S. and Canada for N2O mitigation: Understanding potential positive and negative side-effects on corn yields. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 221: 214–221.
Abalos, D., W.N. Smith, B.B. Grant, C. F. Drury, S. MacKell, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2016. Scenario analysis of fertilizer management practices for N2O mitigation from corn systems in Canada. Science of the Total Environment (accepted August 20, 2016).
Baldé H., A.C. VanderZaag, S. Burtt, L. Evans, C. Wagner-Riddle, R.L. Desjardins, and J.D. MacDonald. 2016. Measured versus modeled methane emissions from separated liquid dairy manure show large model underestimates. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 230: 261–270.
Baldé, H., A.C. VanderZaag, S. Burtt, C. Wagner-Riddle, A. Crolla, R.L. Desjardins, J.D. MacDonald. 2016. Methane Emissions from Digestate at an Agricultural Biogas Plant. Bioresource Technology 216: 914-922.
Congreves, K.A., B. Dutta, B.B. Grant, W.N. Smith, R.L. Desjardins, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2016. How does climate variability influence nitrogen loss in temperate agroecosystems under contrasting management systems? Agric. Ecosyst. Env. 227: 33–41 doi:10.1016/j.agee.2016.04.025
Eichelmann, E., C. Wagner-Riddle, J. Warland, B. Deen, and P. Voroney. 2016. Comparison of Carbon Budget, Evapotranspiration, and Albedo Effect between the Biofuel Crops Switchgrass and Corn. 2016. Agric. Ecosyst. Env. 231:271–282
Eichelmann, E., C. Wagner-Riddle, J. Warland, B. Deen, and P. Voroney. 2016. Evapotranspiration, Water Use Efficiency, and Energy Partitioning of a Mature Switchgrass Stand. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 217: 108-119.
Figueiredo, E.B. de, S. Jayasundara, R. O. Bordonal, T.T. Berchielli, R.A. Reis, C. Wagner-Riddle, N. La Scala Jr. 2016. Greenhouse gas balance and carbon footprint of beef cattle in three contrasting pasture-management systems in Brazil. Journal of Cleaner Production (in press) doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.03.132
Jayasundara, S., J. A. D. R. N. Appuhamy, E. Kebreab, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2016. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from Canadian dairy farms and mitigation options: An updated review. Can. J. Animal Science 96: 306–331
Le Riche, E., A. VanderZaag, J. Wood, C. Wagner-Riddle, K. Dunfield, M. Ngwa, J. McCabe, R. Gordon. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Stored Dairy Slurry from Multiple Farms. J. Env. Quality (accepted Aug 2, 2016)
Ngwa, M., R. Gordon, A. VanderZaag, K. Dunfield, A. Sissoko, C. Wagner-Riddle. The Extent of Manure Removal from Storages and its Impact on Gaseous Emissions. J. Env. Quality (accepted)
Thompson, K.A., Bent, E., Abalos, D., Wagner-Riddle, C. and K.E. Dunfield. Soil microbial communities as regulators of in situ N2O fluxes in annual and perennial cropping systems. to Soil Biology and Biochemistry (accepted August 30, 2016)
Abalos, D., S. Brown, A. Vanderzaag, R. Gordon, K. Dunfield, and C.Wagner-Riddle. 2015. Micrometeorological measurements over 3 years reveal differences in N2O emissions between annual and perennial crops. Global Change Biol. 22: 1244–1255. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13137
Eichelmann, E., C.Wagner-Riddle, J. Warland, B. Deen, and P. Voroney. 2015. Carbon Dioxide Exchange Dynamics over a Mature Switchgrass Stand. Global Change Biology – Bioenergy 8: 428–442. DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12259.
Hawkins, J., A.Weersink, C.Wagner-Riddle, and G. Fox. 2015.Optimizing ration formulation as a strategy for greenhouse gas mitigation in intensive dairy production systems. Agricultural Systems 137: 1–11.
Kaufman, J., M. Linington, V.R. Osborne, C. Wagner-Riddle, and T.C. Wright. 2015. Field study of air ammonia concentrations in Ontario dairy calf housing microenvironments. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 95: 539-542.
Ramnarine, R., R.P. Voroney, C. Wagner-Riddle, and K. E. Dunfield. 2015. Conventional and no-tillage effects on the distribution of crop residues and light fraction organic matter. Soil Science Society of America Journal 79: 74-80, DOI:10.2136/sssaj2014.05.0182.
Snider, D., K. Thompson, C. Wagner-Riddle, J. Spoelstra, and K. Dunfield. 2015. Molecular techniques and stable isotope ratios at natural abundance give complementary inferences about N2O production pathways in an agricultural soil following a rainfall event. Soil Biol. Biochem. 88: 197-213.
Wagner-Riddle, C., S. S. Werner, P. Caramori, W. S. Ricce, P. Nitsche, P. von Bertoldi and E. F. de Souza. 2015. Determining the influence of Itaipu Lake on thermal conditions for soybean development in adjacent lands. International Journal of Biometeorology 5:1499-1509. DOI:10.1007/s00484-015-0960-7.
Appuhamy, J., J. France, D.Casper, C. Wagner-Riddle, and E. Kebreab. 2014. Quantifying body water kinetics and fecal and urinary water output from lactating holstein dairy cows. J. Dairy Science 97 (10): 6177-6195.
Appuhamy, J., L. E. Moraes, C. Wagner-Riddle, D. P. Casper, J. France, and E. Kebreab. 2014. Development of mathematical models to predict volume and nutrient composition of fresh manure from lactating Holstein cows. Animal Production Science 54: 1927-1938.
Jayasundara, S., and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2014. Greenhouse gas emissions intensity of Ontario milk production in 2011 compared with 1991. Can. J. Animal Sci. 94: 155-173.
Jayasundara, S., C. Wagner-Riddle, G. Dias, K.A. Kariyapperuma. 2014. Energy and greenhouse gas intensity of corn production in Ontario: A regional assessment. Can. J. Soil. Sci. 94: 77-95.
Maggiotto, S. R., D. de Oliveira, C. J. Marur, S. M. S. Stivari, M. Leclerc, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2014. Potential carbon sequestration in rubber tree plantations in the northwestern region of the Parana State, Brazil. Acta Scientiarum-Agronomy 36: 239-245.
Németh, D.D., C. Wagner-Riddle, and Kari Dunfield. 2014. Abundance and gene expression in nitrifier and denitrifier communities associated with a field scale spring thaw N2O flux event. Soil Biol. Biochem. 73:1-9.
Ngwabie, N. M., A. Vanderzaag, S. Jayasundara, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2014. Measurements of emission factors from a naturally ventilated commercial barn for dairy cows in a cold climate. Biosystems Engineering 127: 103-114.
Risk, N., C. Wagner-Riddle, A. Furon, J. Warland, and C. Blodau. 2014. Comparison of simultaneous soil profile N2O concentration and surface N2O flux measurements overwinter and at spring thaw in an agricultural soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 78: 180-193.
Roy, A. K., C. Wagner-Riddle, B. Deen, J. Lauzon, and T. Bruulsema. 2014. Nitrogen application rate, timing and history effects on nitrous oxide emissions from corn (Zea mays L.). Canadian Journal of Soil Science 94: 563-573.
Santos, E., C. Wagner-Riddle, X. Lee, J. Warland, S. Brown, R. Staebler, P. Bartlett, and K. Kim. 2014. Temporal dynamics of oxygen isotope compositions of soil and canopy CO2 fluxes in a temperate deciduous forest, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 119: 996-1013.
Wood, J. D., A. C. VanderZaag, C. Wagner-Riddle, E. Smith and R.J. Gordon. 2014. Gas emissions from liquid dairy manure: complete vs. partial storage emptying. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosyst. 99:95–105.
Appuhamy, J. A. D., A.B. Strathe, S. Jayasundara, C.Wagner-Riddle, J. Dijkstra, J. France, and E. Kebreab. 2013. Anti-methanogenic effects of monensin in dairy and beef cattle: A meta-analysis. J. of Dairy Sci. 96: 5161-5173.
Brown, S. E., J.S. Warland, E. A. Santos, C. Wagner-Riddle, R. Staebler, and M. Wilton. 2013. Estimating a Lagrangian length scale using measurements of CO2 in a plant canopy. Boundary Layer Meteorology 147: 83-102.
Chang, K.H., J. Warland, P. Voroney, P. Bartlett, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2013. Using DayCENT to simulate carbon dynamics in conventional and no-till agriculture. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 77:941-950.
Risk, N.,D. Snider, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2013. Mechanisms leading to enhanced soil N2O fluxes induced by freeze-thaw cycles. Can. J. Soil Sci. 93:401-414. (invited)
Wood, J., R. J. Gordon, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2013. Biases in discrete CH4 and N2O sampling protocols associated with temporal variation of gas fluxes from manure storage systems. Agric. For. Meteorol. 171: 295-305.
Glenn, A.J., M. Tenuta, B. D. Amiro, S. E. Stewart, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2012. Nitrous oxide emissions from an annual crop rotation on poorly drained soil on the Canadian prairies. Agric. For. Meteorol. 166: 41-49.
Kariyapperuma, K. A., A. Furon, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2012. Non-growing season nitrous oxide fluxes from an agricultural soil as affected by application of liquid and composted swine manure. Can. J. Soil Sci. 92: 315-327.
Ramnarine, R., C. Wagner-Riddle, K. E. Dunfield, and R. P. Voroney. 2012. Contributions of carbonates to soil CO2 emissions. Can. J. Soil Sci. 92: 599-607.
Santos, E., C. Wagner-Riddle, X. Lee, J. Warland, S. Brown, R. Staebler, P. Bartlett, and K. Kim. 2012. Use of the isotope flux ratio approach to investigate the C18O16O and 13CO2 exchange near the floor of a temperate deciduous forest. Biogeosciences 9: 2385-2399.
Wood, J., R. J. Gordon, C. Wagner-Riddle, K.E. Dunfield, and A. Madani. 2012. Relationships between dairy slurry total solids, gas emissions, and surface crusts. J. Env. Qual. 41: 694-704.
Glenn, A.J., B.D. Amiro, M. Tenuta, C. Wagner-Riddle, G. Drewitt, and J. Warland. 2011. Contribution of crop residue carbon to soil respiration at a northern Prairie site using stable isotope flux measurements. Agric. For. Meteorol. 151: 1045-1054.
Kariyapperuma, K.A., C. Wagner-Riddle, A. Furon, and C. Li. 2011. Assessing winter and spring thaw nitrous oxide fluxes simulated by the DNDC model for agricultural soils in Ontario, Canada. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75:678-690.
Ramnarine, R., C. Wagner-Riddle, K. E. Dunfield, and R. P. Voroney. 2011. Carbonate removal by acid fumigation for measuring the delta C-13 of soil organic carbon. Can. J. Soil Sci. 91: 247-250.
Santos, E. A., C. Wagner-Riddle, J.S. Warland, and S. Brown. 2011. Applying a Lagrangian dispersion analysis to infer carbon dioxide and latent heat fluxes in a corn canopy. Agric. For. Meteorol. 151: 620-632.
VanderZaag, A., S. Jayasundara, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2011. Direct and indirect strategies to mitigate N2O emissions from land applied manure. Animal Feed Science and Techn. 166/167: 464-479 (invited)
VanderZaag, A., C. Wagner-Riddle, K-H. Park, R.J. Gordon. 2011. Methane emissions from stored liquid dairy manure in a cold climate. Animal Feed Science and Techn. 166/167: 581-589.
Glenn, A.J., B.D. Amiro, M. Tenuta, S.E. Stewart, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2010. Carbon dioxide exchange in a Northern prairie cropping system over three years. Agr. For. Meteor. 150: 908–918.
Jayasundara, S., C. Wagner-Riddle, G. Parkin, J. Lauzon, and M. Fan. 2010. Transformations and losses of swine manure 15N as affected by application timing and soil texture. Can. J. Soil Sci. 90: 55-73.
Park, K.-H., and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2010. Methane emission patterns from stored liquid swine manure. Asian-Australasian J. Animal Sci. 23: 1229-1235.
Park, K.H., C. Wagner-Riddle, and R. J. Gordon. 2010. Comparing methane fluxes from stored liquid manure using micrometeorological mass balance and floating chamber methods. Agric. For. Meteor. 150: 175–181.
Smith, J., C. Wagner-Riddle, and K. Dunfield. 2010. Season and management related changes in the diversity of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria over winter and spring. Applied Soil Ecology 44: 138–146.
Wagner-Riddle, C., J. Rapai, J. Warland, and A. Furon. 2010. Nitrous oxide fluxes related to soil freeze and thaw periods identified using heat pulse probes. Can. J. Soil Sci. 90: 409-418.
Brodeur, J.J., J.S. Warland, R.M. Staebler, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2009. Technical note: Laboratory evaluation of a tunable diode laser system for eddy covariance measurements of ammonia flux. Agr. For. Meteor. 149:385-391.
Drewitt, G., C. Wagner-Riddle, and J.S. Warland. 2009. Isotope CO2 measurements of soil respiration over conventional and no-till plots in fall and spring. Agr. For. Meteor. 149: 614-622
Furon, A, C. Wagner-Riddle, C.R. Smith, and J.S. Warland. 2008. Wavelet analysis of wintertime and spring thaw CO2 and N2O fluxes from agricultural fields. Agr. For. Meteorology, 148: 1305-1317.
Rochette, P., D.E. Worth, R.L. Lemke, B.G. McConkey, D.J. Pennock, C. Wagner-Riddle, R.L. Desjardins. 2008. Estimation of N2O emissions from agricultural soils in Canada: Development of a country-specific methodology. Can. J. Soil Sci. 88: 641-654.
Wagner-Riddle, C., Q.C. Hu, E. van Bochove, and S. Jayasundara. 2008. Linking nitrous oxide flux during spring thaw to nitrate denitrification in the soil profile. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 72: 908-916.
Furon, A.C., J.S. Warland and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2007. Analysis of the relationship between bulk and leaf surface resistances using numerical simulations. Agron. J. 99: 1483-1491.
Jayasundara, S., C. Wagner-Riddle, G. Parkin, P. von Bertoldi, J. Warland, B. Kay and Voroney. 2007. Minimizing Nitrogen Losses from a Corn-Soybean-Winter Wheat Rotation with Best Management Practices. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosystems 79: 141 – 159.
Wagner-Riddle, C., A. Furon, A., N.L. McLaughlin, I. Lee, J. Barbeau, S. Jayasundara, G. Parkin, P. von Bertoldi, J. Warland. 2007. Intensive measurement of nitrous oxide emissions from a corn-soybean-winter wheat rotation under two contrasting management systems over 5 years. Global Change Biol. 13: 1722-1736.
Hu, Q. C., E. van Bochove, J. Warland, B. Kay, C. Wagner-Riddle. 2006. New method to simulate soil freezing and thawing cycles for studying nitrous oxide flux. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70: 2106-2113.
Kebreab, E., K. Clark, C. Wagner-Riddle and J. France. 2006. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from Canadian animal agriculture: a review. Can. J. Animal Sci. 86: 135–158.
McCoy, A.J., G. Parkin, C. Wagner-Riddle, J.S. Warland, J. Lauzon, P. von Bertoldi, and S. Jayasundara. 2006. Using automated soil water content and temperature measurement to estimate soil water budgets. Can. J. Soil Sci. 86: 47-56.
Park, K. H., A.G. Thompson, M. Marinier, K. Clark and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2006. Greenhouse gas emissions from stored liquid swine manure in a cold climate. Atmospheric Environment 40 (4): 618-627.
Pattey, E., G. Edwards, I.B. Strachan, R.L. Desjardins, S. Kaharabata and C. Wagner Riddle. 2006. Towards standards for measuring greenhouse gas fluxes from agricultural fields using instrumented towers. Can. J. Soil Science 86: 373–400.
Wagner-Riddle, C., K.H. Park, and G.W. Thurtell. 2006. A micrometeorological mass balance approach for greenhouse gas flux measurements from stored animal manure. Agr. For. Meteorol. 136: 175-187. (invited)
Helgason, B. L., H.H. Janzen, M. H. Chantigny, C. F.Drury, B. H. Ellert, E. G. Gregorich, R. L. Lemke, E. Pattey, P. Rochette, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2005. Toward improved coefficients for predicting direct N2O emissions from soil in Canadian agroecosytems. Nutr. Cycl in Agroecosys. 72: 87-99.
McBain, M.C., J. Warland, R. A. McBride and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2005. Micrometeorological measurements of N2O and CH4 emissions from a municipal solid waste landfill. Waste Management and Research 23: 409-419.
McBain, M.C., J. Warland, R. A. McBride and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2004. Laboratory-scale measurements of N2O and CH4 emissions from hybrid poplars. Waste Management and Research 22:454-465.
Meyer-Aurich, A., A. Weersink, S. Jayasundara, C. Wagner-Riddle. 2004. Effectiveness of best management cropping systems to abate greenhouse gas emissions. Current Agri. Food Res. Issues 5: 212-220.
Rideout, T.C., M.Z. Fan, J.P.Cant, C. Wagner-Riddle, and P. Stonehouse. 2004. Excretion of major odor-causing and acidifying compounds in response to dietary supplementation of chicory inulin in growing pigs. Journal of Animal Science 82 (6): 1678-1684.
Thompson, A.G., C. Wagner-Riddle, and R. Fleming. 2004. Emissions of N2O and CH4 during the composting of liquid swine manure. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 91 (1-3): 87-104.
Watt, S., C. Wagner-Riddle, G. Edwards, and R.J.Vet. 2004. Evaluating a flux-gradient approach for flux and deposition velocity of nitrogen dioxide over short-grass surfaces. Atmospheric Environment 38 (17): 2619-2626.
Edwards, G.C., G. W. Thurtell, G. E. Kidd, G. M. Dias, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2003. A diode laser based gas monitor suitable for measurement of trace gas exchange using micrometeorological techniques. Agr. For. Meteorol. 115: 71-89.
Brown, H.A., C. Wagner-Riddle and G.W. Thurtell. 2002. Nitrous oxide flux from a solid dairy manure pile measured using a micrometeorological mass balance method. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecos. 62:53-60.
Maggiotto, S.R. and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2001. Winter and spring thaw measurements of N2O, NO and NOx fluxes using a micrometeorological method. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus 1: 89-98.
Roy, J.W., J.C. Hall, G.W. Parkin, C. Wagner-Riddle and B.S. Clegg. 2001. Seasonal leaching and biodegradation of Dicamba in turfgrass. J. Environm. Quality 30: 1360-1370.
Brown, H.A., C. Wagner-Riddle, and G.W. Thurtell. 2000. Nitrous oxide flux from solid dairy manure in storage as affected by water content and redox potential. J. Env. Qual. 29: 630-638.
Groffman, P.M., R. Brumme, K. Butterbach-Bahl, K. E. Dobbie, A. R. Mosier, D. Ojima, H. Papen, W. J. Parton, K. A. Smith, C. Wagner-Riddle. 2000. Evaluating annual nitrous oxide fluxes at the ecosystem scale. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 14: 1061-1070.
Maggiotto, S. R., J. Webb, C. Wagner-Riddle, and G.W. Thurtell. 2000. Nitrous and nitrogen oxide emissions from turfgrass fertilized with ammonium nitrate, urea and slow-release urea. J. Environ. Qual. 29: 621-630.
Parkin, G.W., C. Wagner-Riddle, D. J. Fallow, and D.M. Brown. 2000. Estimated seasonal and annual water surplus in Ontario. Can. Water Res. J. 24: 277 – 292.
Roy, J. W., G. W. Parkin, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2000. Timing of nitrate leaching from turfgrass after multiple fertilizer applications. Water Quality Research J. of Canada 35(4): 735-752.
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