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Nicole Menheere

MSc Student


Office: ALEX 109

Lab: ALEX 112

I’m investigating how cover crops and Nitrification and Urease Inhibitors (NUIs) impact Nitrous Oxide (N2O) emissions from agricultural soils. Soil is a finite resource that is strained from conventional crop rotations, adding cover crops into a rotation gives the soil time to recharge its resources before the next growing season, but can increase nitrous oxide emissions. Nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse gas that is produced through the denitrification of soil nitrogen. Cover crops add nitrogen and carbon to soils resulting in increased nitrous oxide emissions after fertilizer is added to promote the growth of the main crop. NUIs slow the breakdown of fertilizer in the soil and have been shown to reduce nitrous oxide emissions. Using the micrometeorological method to collect data and the flux gradient method to quantify nitrous oxide emissions, we can determine if NUI can offset additional nitrous oxide emissions from the use of cover crops. Our ultimate objective is to investigate an agricultural best management practice for the soil and the climate. I’m also passionate about science communication and making information accessible to farmers. My hobbies include yoga, gardening, and caring for my indoor plants.