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Postdoctoral position in ‘Connecting changes in soil carbon storage over 20+ years to dynamics of net ecosystem carbon balance through modelling and remote sensing tools’

We are seeking candidates for a post‐doctoral fellowship with a focus on scaling up soil carbon storage change inferred from detailed temporal geospatial soil sampling to eddy covariance measurements of net ecosystem carbon balance at an agricultural site. Scaling up tools will involve calibration and validation biogeochemical models (e.g., DayCent, DNDC) coupled with data (e.g., NDVI) obtained from remote sensing. This research will be conducted within the NSERC CREATE Climate-Smart Soils ( program at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, which involves seven universities and collaborating partners form various sectors (e.g. industry, government) across Canada. This one‐year position will preferably commence May 1, 2024, with the opportunity for a one-year extension. Start date is negotiable.

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New Graduate Student Positions

We are seeking three graduate students (PhD or MSc) with backgrounds in agrometeorology, biogeochemistry, hydrology, soil science, or related field for projects focused on evaluating the resilience of diversified crop rotations to extreme weather events such as intense precipitation and freeze-thaw cycles in Canadian agroecosystems.

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